Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Nanny Day, Breaky in Town

Intel got je je to register for a course... for some recognition cert dot dot dot..
she needs to attend 5 classes, on every Sat, 9am-5pm..
for a young mummie like her, after stopped studying for "10 yrs"... it's so hard and lazy for her to attend classes again... the most difficult thingy is... Get her wake up so early on weekend morning !! he he

therefore, je appointed kimmie, kurtie, mummie to look after lil mOnster while she's not around... *deng deng...
no doubt lil mOnster is very cute... but he is NOT easy to handle... imagine his super duper hiper active spirit...

28th MArch' 09... Saturday.. is the 1st Sat...
je je dropped Cayden over before heading to class... I woke up at 8ish.. prepared myself and awaiting for the nanny-day...

mummie, daddie, koko, stewpig and I brought Cayden for breaky at ah Hai Koay Teow Th'ng..
ko and je rated this as the most delicious Koay Teow Th'ng in pg.. since small..

it used to sell at Hai Aun Kopi Tiam when I was young...
moved out 5 or 6 yrs ago due to ' business TOO busy...' =.="
Uncle Hai is nice, but a weirdo he is... no one ever knows what's in his mind...
the stall moved to many places before, even Padang Brown... ended up moved back here to the Coffee Shop behind HAi Aun...

i used to call here ' Ah Kan Econ Rice'...
just the tiny coffee shop behind Hong Leong Bank at Burmah Rd...
it got the most Yummie Rempah Fish in the world ~!!
serious !! no one can beat them down..
i hate those stuffed chilli with sweet taste.. theirs are totally different taste with any places !

some would like to go with the Chilli Oil...

Here got my fav Char Kuih Kak...
most of the aunties & uncles here know my Whole family... i meant including my relatives..
granny, ah pek, ah cik, kor kor, and etc etc...
without hesitation, i must order the char kuih Kak with extra Gu Cai and Cai Por~
heaven~ ^^

Mummy likes the Fried Maggie from the Char Kuih Teow stall from another kopi tiam...

another stall of Famous Chee Cheong Fun...
tho i never eat Cheong Fun.. but I know this one is in the list of Yummie Chee Cheong Fun in Penang...
previously, auntie & uncle had their stall at the corner food court opposite Nam Wah Hospital, they used to sell at nite...
since many years ago, they only do business in the morning at this kopi tiam in Georgetown...
there was once I asked je je to rate this Chee Cheong Fun and Genting Famous Chee Cheong Fun... (she is favour after both of them... )
According to her, Genting CCF has really tasty mixed-sauce.. which makes the CCF Amazing..
whereas, this CCF is specialty in their Cheong Fun.. the texture is simply nice, chewy, totally different with others...
it came an idea after I heard this comments... why not we open a F&B shop... selling local foods, of cause CCF will be in the list...
I will order the Cheong Fun from auntie & uncle, and get the sauce from Genting CCF.. what a brilliant idea yeah...? ^^

Here comes the Ju Kok of the day...
Ah Hai Koay Teow Th'ng....
no doubt the soup is a bit oily.. (so do the bowl, spoon & chopsticks... :P )
the taste is really delicious..
with the soft soft kuih teow...
je & ko hafta take at least 2 Big Bowls everytime...
it would be 3 in-a-row sometimes... (when not taking other foods... )
there's also Kuih Teoh & Mee....

and this Bee Hoon is for me, of course... ^^

we backed to Daddie's office after breaky...
see the lil mOnster acted like so 'pro'
typing the keyboard without turn on the PC...

answered the phone when the phone is not ringing...
and he noticed the monitor is actually not turning on...
lil mOnster said: open open...
when mummie doesn't wanna bother him.. he pressed the button on Himself.. ha ha

stewpig and I brought him for car washing.. see his farnie face... he he...

pity cayden...
he opened the window.. calling 'auntie auntie... papaya.. papaya' for more than 20 times...
but auntie din answer him AT ALL.... hehe

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