my best-zi-pai-partner~
Aaron said: must say Cheese !
Linna has rented a room over Park Royal.. itz been a long long time I never touched down the beach in Penang d.. nevermind Aaron, even I was so excited when I gt there... seeing the pool site fulled with tourists, the beautiful sky, bit-dirty beach and the unclear-'blue'-sea... no doubt.. it is still my fav place in Penang.. hehe
surprisingly, I met Yen and Terence at there.. they were playing beach volley ball while I was busy capturing pics of Cayden.. have had a gud evening.. ^^
midnite.. Jen came over to mine.. we webcam with stewpig Jes.. we then off to BED again...
not planned to go there.. bt since it was so late d.. nearly 2am.. was supposed to join Png em at Mamak.. bt by the time we gt to town area.. the menztOk has already dismissed.. due to the tiny-rain.. gOsh.. then very gOng bin thingy happened.. Jen left first before me.. I waited my bro til 4am.. for christsake~! aiks..
last few days, my sis told me one of her fren, [ so-called Maid ] was once thought I am a very bright, happee n etc etc person.. from seeing my pics, heard from my sis n so for.. bt when she happened to meet up with me after I gt bac from Aussie.. she wonders why I am so different with how I supposed to be or I shud say, how she supposed I am to be.. I feel upset whenever ppl tell me sumthing about that.. as I used to be a really happee person with no idea with sadness at all.. I supposed I am an optimistic person too.. bt just sometimes, when there are too many things happened around you, apparently, you'll get influenced alot.. and eventually, tempered gonna get worse.. bt I know I will get back to the place once I settled down.. time will heal.. everything.. so.. please.. I am still theBright one kie..
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