Tuesday, September 30, 2008

bitz from work in July...

actually I've uploaded heaps of pics and created many posts.. just that I don't have time to blog and publish...
I will try to get em done 1 by 1...
this one supposed to post up couple of months ago... now seems too late d... as my mug has gone... *sniff...

7th July... Kimmie annouced to be converted to Permanent employee in Dell...
When I came back from lunch.. I saw this on my desk... he he...
and I known they're from him.... ^^

ta da~ my long-craving-Starbucks-glassy-mug... !!
I aimed this for long time... but couldn't find any gud reason for myself to take it home... since I've So Many diff cup/ glass/ mug at home d... I told myself, I would bring it back home once I found a permanent job...
the gandum from Japin... I wanted to have it the last time we went there for dinner... but didn't end up order it as I'd ordered something else... Thanks bie~
the Cheesy Stick putting on my desk when I came to work.... ^^
Basically I will bring an apple to work everyday... unless my dad doesn't stock in...
baby banana that daddy bought me ^^
Chix Floss Wholemeal Bun on the desk from mystery rabbit... I had it together with the Old-Town instant white coffee that given by Eve~
He brought me some steamed baby Yam... goes well with some sugar...

ISR always have this kinda 'shun yeh'... once in a blue moon, I would get to 'pun tio'.. he he
my fav Hagey... he brought me four.. I would like to keep em all to myself.. he he.. but I didn't.. instead, I shared with Ivan, TW & eve... ^^
Mango Sorbet, Macadamia Nuts & Choc Chips

I cooked this Barley Dessert... as you can see, it was 'slightly' too many ingredients huh... very thick.. but he said nice ^^
this Barley dessert contained, Ginko, Fu Chok, Winter Melon ( kinda heaty lately ), Honey Dates ( to substitute the Rock Sugar ), and I added boiled egg when served....
Kimmie-made-healthy-sandwich... Multigrain loaf with Black Pepper Bacon and salad... (Iceberg lettuce, cucumber, tomato, caramelised onion and cranberry sauce... ) the white white thingy on the side of the bread is half-boiled egg...
healthy breaky boasted up a day~ Toasted Multigrain Egg, Bacon, Cheese and Tomato Sandwich... with a sprinkle of Black Pepper (sponsored by Mc D... he he.. I reckon the black pepper from Mc D is best !! please don't mind my cheapskate to have 'taken' 'few' packets back for cooking purpose~ ) I made this for stewpig and another set for koko... ^^

This is our fav pantry... have the nicest view of all the other pantries in Dell... can always see the flights departing from Penang Airport...
Kimmiez Caesar Salad ( Cos Lettuce, Cherry Tomatoes, Bacon & medium-to-done-boiled-egg, I didn't prepare the chix and couston ) a set for my lunch, and another set for his breaky...
Rye bread Egg-mixed with Cheese melted tomato Sandwich again.. for my lunch and his breaky~ ^^
this is a highly recommended Granola Cereal !!! they're so tasty !! amazing... !! I had it with Kiwi Yogurt today... but I reckon it goes nicer with cold milk~
actually I like eating it plain like this too... just like eating snack.. hardly stop once you started... nice to munch~ ^^ Low fat with Raisin~ kewl~
four choices available in Jusco ~!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

i lOve suRprise~ ^^

the regconised wORkaholic is so busie busie lately... we hardly have tym to hang out after wOrked like last tym...
perhaps my naturally-reaction has responsed slightly imbalance while da mrEQ went away for napping... he he...
there was a company Cruise dinner last week... he suggested to meet up after his dinner.. but I didn't put any hope.. just to not disappointing myself for no chance...
as expected, stewpig told me he was so tired and needed to head home after his cruise trip... I din feel upset... as I said.. 'expected'... and I can't blame, because he was wOrking...!!
after hung up the phone.. my mum suddenly asked me to open the gate... and it was Him with THEM !! muahahha...
heaps of thanks to bie ~!!!! ^^
my fav Sorbet from Hagey and these 2 lil fellow... Starbucks Bearista!! ^^
I took this pic on the day before when we went to Starbucks.. but we didn't see the little magnetic toys available... and I just told stewpig.. in Aussie they alwiz sell both sizes.. unlike here... harder to see the small size one.. I kept thinking of em since I left there...
now.. they're Mine... ^^
lil owlie and lil pump~

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I supposed I'm getting kinda emo lately...
too much to think...
too much worries...
I never meant to... so if I happened to being stroppy to anyone... sOrrie den...

have had a talk with a fren... just when everyone tot that she is so happee with beautiful thingies surrounding her... everyone is so happee for her...
but deep inside her heart... she knows that this happee story might end with a full-stop soon... with no unhappee thing happens... no crisis.. no nothing...
just for the sake of pursuing the choice'less-life...
she knows she would need to let go...

Why must our life being so up-&-down?
going through a life is just like climbing up to the peak of a mountain, when you thought you could enjoy the beautiful sceneries from the top view, relax the wind-blow... after such a hard yet adventurous journey...
You're wrOng !!
you'll never get to stay long... as there might be someone else coming up... you'll be forced to go down again... go through again the difficult journey... it might be even sufferer... because you've seen the best, enjoyed the bestest... what to do...?
going for the 2nd mountain, and keep repeating the same shit until the day your body collapses...

again... kImmie's phraSe: - " Things will never turn up as handy as u wish all the time... "
- gOd bleSs -

*jia you jia you !!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Buh bye my buCkie glassy mug... T_T

I'm so pissed...
I wonder how on earth can this stupid idiot fellow just take away ppl's thing like this?
My beluved Starbucks mug... which Kurt bought me on the day I converted to permanent has been taken away by the world-biggest-idiot, bl00dy-ass-of-the-century!!!
Being so mature enough to work in Dell, I supposed this person should have enuf brain power to-think-before-doing... taking other's belonging in your own working place is such a brainless-thought !! Won't this person feel embarassing at all??
Hello... it was just a Mug... tho it was a Starbucks one.. is it so costly till the salary you get from Dell not able to get you one.. but instead, you hafta steal someone's?
Cheapskate ppl all around...!! and Dell has a lot too... since case like this is not the first time happened in here... can't this ppl behave emselves a bit?
What the pain of the ass... for christsake buh-bye.... *sob sob

wOrmies stOries...

第一只毛毛虫住在一个盛开花朵的花园里...整片绿绿的草丛加上五颜六色的蝴蝶, 让整个画面戴上了幸福的感觉... 很开心的每天被美丽的周围环绕着...
美丽的花园如果有一天遇上了大火, 把整片绿草给烧成一片平地... 小虫还是会失去了家园... 但是这可能性很渺小... 只因小虫的花园很安全... 安全的地带让它无需有任何担忧...
另一只毛毛虫生活在一座大厦的楼台上,它看得见美丽的风景,从前得冒着日晒雨淋的生活已被刚盖好的小屋顶给解决了... 稳定的日子渐渐的展开.. 不再像以前那么的危险,但如果一不小心的话还是有跌下搂的危机..
一只毛毛虫活在地面上,很安全... 真得很安全.. 没有任何危机... 只是处在人行道的它毫无方向... 却得做出选择往前进... 时时让它很无助...
另一支很幸福的寄住在一个温室里... 有着无畏不及的关心与保护... 幸福到顶点...
但即使它再幸福, 它还是有不满足的时候... 太被保护的生活会让它想任性的偷看外面的世界... 但如果它的任性把自己的幸福给吹奎了... 是不被原谅的..
剩下那一只站在一个三角屋顶的尖处... 它看得见最美的风景... 偶尔, 其他的毛毛虫会向它投出羡慕的眼神,一致认为它是最幸福的.. 因它看到其他毛毛虫无法看见的世界... 但是谁会想过它每天都得带着担惊受怕的心情.. 每分每秒都在担心随时会被风吹倒的机会...尽管它在努力的打醒十二分精神,万一大风一刮起, 它还是避不过跌伤的机会... 只能让它的命运来决定那一跌会导致它得个重伤或轻伤...
站在地面的毛毛虫,成天在埋怨自己的处境,不甘心自己有着平凡既安全的生活... 闹着宁愿过着处处充满危机的日子...
生活在处处充满危机的环境,只另它对周围的事物越来越失去信心... 对于它一路走过来的艰难日子,让它不敢再相信自己会有机会尝到美丽的结局...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

dinner + after party

13th September'2008, Saturday...
Holiday Inn, Kuching
Sain Dee and Vinhz Wedding !!!
something diff from Pg.. They started the dinner with cake-cutting session...

Some Choc & Fruit Cake...
Stewpig said the prawn is nice.. as he had quite alot...
as usual... Brocolli with Sea Cucumber and Hu Pio
ChampaignSession..... **Yum Seng ~~~~~~

Steamed Fish in Teow Chew Style...
The Lotus Leave Rice is nice ~!!!
The newly wedz room in Holiday Inn Suite~
This so-called 'bar-tender' is the sis of the bride~
both the champaige glass and wine glass have actually been filled with Hennessy!! he he...This is for JE JE !!! Cheers~
Red Packet from Je je to the newly Wedz...
Stewpig purposely brought along a Mooncake... ha ha... we had a lil-mooncake-cutting-ceremony in the hotel after the wedding dinner... he he
Do I look like preparing to punch ppl...? he he
this call 'lan-pro'....
We were planned to go Soho.. but the whole pub was fulled of kiddoz.... we ended up settling ourselves at Ipanema... the bar next to Soho... I think they're both linked~ I like here so muchie !! the atmosphere is just great !! I like the design, concept and everything !! ^^
yet.. they serve KilKenny Draught !!!
the 1st sip is always the nicest... ^^

this soft drink machine is for the mixer...
The Heineken Draught is So Chilled!!

last pic before we left....

another pub on the same row...
lil gift from Sain Dee to bring back from the trip~

Trois Canon Cafe @ Chulia Street

Been passing by this cafe for years... always have a thought that ' it can survive for so long, must have some reasons... '  wa...