Monday, August 17, 2009

A problem has defined... =.=

was attending a Training Course in City Bayview on last week...

Problem Solving and Decision Making...

no doubt, I did have learn something troughout the course...
some valuable technique and skills have added to kimmiezLife...

In order to define a P-R-O-B-L-E-M..
1) must have a deviation or Gap...
2) the cause have to be UNKNOWN
3) we need to know the cause...

the 'problem' would not be considered as a 'Problem'
if there's no YES to all above 3 criterias...

and yes, I think the 'problem' I just came across had fulfilled all above 3...
there's a Gap...
the true cause is so Unknown
and I think I known the cause...

cheers to it.... *damn ! :'(

the pitfalls in problem solving, mostly begins with the Mental Block...
when people defines the prob incorrectly...
not having an open mind...
people keen to blame someone when a problem arises...

Attitude and Mental State are so important in this case...

wrong attitude would just lead a person to define a problem in an incorrect way,
and make wrong decision at times...
if everyone could just set the correct mindset...
and speak out all the unsatisfaction...
there would be lesser problem, no misunderstanding...

*gOd bleSs*

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